
Using Technology to Get You Healthier

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Using Technology To Get You Healthier

Changing your diet and doing more exercise are the two best ways to lose weight. But, that doesn't mean that you can't take advantage of technology to help you lose the kilos. From activity trackers to the latest in exercise equipment, my blog is all about how best to use technology to take your weight loss efforts to a new level. There are so many apps, devices and techniques which target weight loss, the choice of where to begin is overwhelming. But, my blog posts will make all the techno mumbo-jumbo easier to understand, so you can decide how to make technology work best for you.


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Skin Cancer and Skin Checks

When you have a rash, you easily identify it because it covers a large area and you might feel some discomfort, pain or itch. This is why you might not have to carry out a skin check to look for a rash. Skin checks are usually linked to skin cancer because most of the time skin cancer is caught too late to be treated. Skin Cancer You should know that there are three kinds of skin cancer: basal and squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Read More 

The Difference Between Retirement Living And Aged Care

Getting older is a strange experience no matter who you are. You may start to feel like people are trying to put you into a box and then move on without you, even though you feel totally fine and energised. That is why many people are resistant to moving into retirement villages—they think that such places are where you go once you have given up on having aspirations. In actuality, retirement living can be active and very social, and it is usually different from aged care. Read More 

Why A Good Obstetrician Can Make Your Pregnancy Fly By

Being pregnant is one of the most important and beautiful things anyone can go through in their life. However, when you are actually pregnant yourself, this incredible time of your life can feel like torture. From sickness to cramping and all the uncomfortable body aches and pains, it can feel like your little baby is intent on causing you as much pain as possible. Luckily there are people who are trained to help you through this, and that is why it is so important you find yourself a good obstetrician to guide you through this tumultuous period. Read More 

4 Reasons to Book an Appointment with an Eye Doctor ASAP

An eye doctor, or ophthalmologist, is a medical doctor who has specialised in diagnosing and managing problems associated with human vision, so not just issues with the eye, per se. This is because, for example, many vision problems are neurological in origin; the human vision system is extremely complicated and can get worse, or be at risk of worsening, due to many different things. This is clearly a good motive to choose an ophthalmologist to visit regularly and actually go to your regular check-ups. Read More 

Typical Reasons for Atypical Results from Your Pap Smear

Feminine reproductive health is not merely about ensuring that your reproductive system is capable of conceiving and sustaining a pregnancy. In essence, your visits to your gynaecologist should primarily be for ensuring that your body is in good health, which then illuminates other aspects that could be of concern such as infertility, tumours and so on. And one critical comprehensive test that all women should take at least on an annual basis is a Pap smear. Read More